Not Much Sleep

Not Much Sleep Not much sleep, again. On September 20, I had two appointments in the hospital. The first appointment was for an X-ray of the lungs. After this, I would have, what they call, a pulmonary function test. With this test, they hope to see how the lungs are working. I had no idea Read More…


A (Scary) Moment

A (Scary) Moment A (scary) moment. People who follow my blog, know that very recently I posted my previous post. It was about the blood results that I had gotten. You can find the post HERE. I posted that post last Monday, at the end of the afternoon. While I was busy finishing and posting Read More…

The Blood Test Results Are In

The Blood Test Results Are In The blood test results are in. And I am not really happy about it. It feels like a setback. It may be a small setback, but it feels like a normal one. Somehow, you are still disappointed about the results. Inside you always hope and pray that they will Read More…

I Am a Little Sad/Worried

I Am a Little Sad/Worried I am a little sad/worried. I know a lot has happened these last few months, but this has shocked me a little and made me a bit sad. Retaining Liquid I know, that with my heart failure, you are retaining liquid faster than other people. Because of heart failure, your Read More…


Don’t Give Up

Don’t Give Up Don’t give up. I heard this a few times during my stay in the hospital. The other thing I also heard was, you poor man, I am amazed by how strong you stayed, I admire your strength/perseverance. Don’t give up. What else can you do when you are in the hospital? Nothing. Read More…


December 2022

December 2022 It’s December. To be exact, it is December 2022. As you maybe know from reading my blog, the month of December had passed by several times, since the start of this blog site. The month of December and I have something. Good but I think, most of the time, not so good. Right Read More…


Some Update.

Some Update. Some updates about what is going on and maybe what is coming. How are things going right now with my health and what maybe is coming on this blog? There are some things that are still in the “draft” or “idea” stage but I think I am able to just tell something about Read More…


Expanding My Writing and Blog.

Expanding My Writing and Blog. For some time now, I am already thinking of expanding my writing/blog. I mean, I am thinking of writing in more and different places. Expanding my horizon. Maybe growing? On December 8, 2019, I decided to announce my blog to the public. I already started writing on there earlier but Read More…
