Ups And Downs

Ups And Downs It has been a month since my last post. The last weeks I had several Ups and Downs. At some point, I did not know it anymore. Not knowing what is going on and what will be next. Also, the “Why” question is back again. The question I don’t know the answer Read More…


Slow Down!

Slow Down! I need to Slow Down! This week was a “busy” week. The week before, I got the news that I could start with cardiac rehabilitation. This would be, twice a week, for 6 weeks, 1 hour per session. It would be on a Tuesday and Friday morning. For this week there would be Read More…


Not Much Sleep

Not Much Sleep Not much sleep, again. On September 20, I had two appointments in the hospital. The first appointment was for an X-ray of the lungs. After this, I would have, what they call, a pulmonary function test. With this test, they hope to see how the lungs are working. I had no idea Read More…


Medication Changes.

Medication Changes. Medication changes are sometimes needed. Sometimes doctors will advise you to take different medications, or change the dosage, and sometimes they will advise you to stop certain medications. As you maybe had read in my previous post “My Yearly Checkup” they discovered that my heart is skipping beats. More than at the checkup Read More…


My Daily Routine/Struggle/Worries.

My Daily Routine/Struggle/Worries. In my daily life, I have so many routines, struggles, and worries. Several things I need to keep in mind and sometimes, need to think ahead. I just want to try to share it with you. My Medication. As you can see in the image above, that is all the medication I Read More…
