An Update On Things

An Update On Things Here is an update on things. I know, I did not write much these last few months. Also for me/us, we needed time to think things over and process things. We never know what will happen next. I thought at the end of November, that I had all my appointments for Read More…


More Hospital Visits Coming

More Hospital Visits Coming More hospital visits are coming. Today I had my first appointment with the Hematologist. (One more specialist added to my list.) This appointment is to get to know each other and see why I was forwarded to her. I think it was good that I was assigned to her and I Read More…


My Daily Routine/Struggle/Worries.

My Daily Routine/Struggle/Worries. In my daily life, I have so many routines, struggles, and worries. Several things I need to keep in mind and sometimes, need to think ahead. I just want to try to share it with you. My Medication. As you can see in the image above, that is all the medication I Read More…


Not Happy

Not Happy. Already for some weeks, I noticed that I am short of breath after some walking. The advice of the hospital is to try to walk every day.They prefer that I would walk every day at least three times a day, for 15 to 20 minutes. So during the day, I am trying to Read More…
