I Am a Little Sad/Worried

I Am a Little Sad/Worried I am a little sad/worried. I know a lot has happened these last few months, but this has shocked me a little and made me a bit sad. Retaining Liquid I know, that with my heart failure, you are retaining liquid faster than other people. Because of heart failure, your Read More…


Don’t Give Up

Don’t Give Up Don’t give up. I heard this a few times during my stay in the hospital. The other thing I also heard was, you poor man, I am amazed by how strong you stayed, I admire your strength/perseverance. Don’t give up. What else can you do when you are in the hospital? Nothing. Read More…


December 2022

December 2022 It’s December. To be exact, it is December 2022. As you maybe know from reading my blog, the month of December had passed by several times, since the start of this blog site. The month of December and I have something. Good but I think, most of the time, not so good. Right Read More…


Troubled/Rough Days/Weeks

Troubled/Rough Days/Weeks We all have them. Troubled/Rough Days/Weeks. Some are worse than others. Some are okay but then there is a twist at the end. My days/weeks also have their ups and downs. These are things we cannot get used to. We only can persevere. Push on? Sometimes it is better to talk or write Read More…


Some Update.

Some Update. Some updates about what is going on and maybe what is coming. How are things going right now with my health and what maybe is coming on this blog? There are some things that are still in the “draft” or “idea” stage but I think I am able to just tell something about Read More…


Medication Changes.

Medication Changes. Medication changes are sometimes needed. Sometimes doctors will advise you to take different medications, or change the dosage, and sometimes they will advise you to stop certain medications. As you maybe had read in my previous post “My Yearly Checkup” they discovered that my heart is skipping beats. More than at the checkup Read More…


My Yearly Checkup.

My Yearly Checkup. It was that time of the year again for my yearly checkup. The checkup of the pacemaker. To see if things are okay. I thought it was always at the beginning of the year, but it was moved a few times because of the pandemic. that is why it is now in Read More…


I Inspired a Youtuber.

I Inspired a Youtuber. Yes, I inspired a Youtuber. I really did. Not a very big or very known Youtuber, but still. He has 3.39K subscribers (at the moment of writing this post). I know him from the Glide community/forum. A community/forum where I am also registered. And also had contact with him on that Read More…


Making My Own App.

Making My Own App. In several of my previous posts, I mentioned that I am making my own app. I am already busy with it for several weeks. Not working on it every day but only now and then. And in the past few days, I was working on it again. It is not easy Read More…
