A big step (for me)

A big step (for me)

After thinking about this, for some time, I decided to take the “big step forward”.
Let me explain.

For some time now, I am writing on this blog.
But to be honest, there are only very few people who know about this.
I had talked to some of them and thought about it myself if this is the thing I want.
Do I maybe want more people to know about it?
The thought behind this blog is to share my life and the things I experience whit others.

So after a long thought, I made the step and made it known to more people.
I shared it on Facebook

As I maybe mentioned before, life is not easy, especially if you have health issues.
Everyone has his own way of handling it.
And for me, writing about it is one way to get it out of my system.

At first, you just start writing for yourself, but later on, you start thinking about that maybe there are other people that are in a similar situation.
And maybe this can be of some help to them.
At least now they know they are not alone and we can share the experience.

The big step is also that not everyone knows about my health situation.
And now announcing this blog, it will be known.
I hope you can/will understand why it is a big step.
For me, it is giving up a big part of my private life.
But on the other side, it is also good to share it with others.

For everyone that is visiting this blog for the first time, I hope you will enjoy reading it.
If you would like the whole story, just go to the menu option
The Beginning

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Enjoy and maybe till the next post
And feel free to share this.


9 thoughts on “A big step (for me)

  1. Absolute! I want to receive if you have a new entry. You are one of a kind to share your health issue that others encourages your strong beliefs.

  2. Congratulations, Pierre, for making this big step– a huge and courageous step indeed. Go where your heart and mind lead you to, especially when it brings you peace. It does take strength and selflessness to be able to share one’s personal story outside your comfort zone. And I’m happy you decided sharing this experience of yours not only as a therapy for yourself but also as an encouragement and inspiration for others– that no matter what, life is worth moving forward because our God is full of grace and love for you and us all. Keep it up, Pierre!

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