Corona(virus) and Me.

Corona(virus) and Me.

I know, there is already a lot said and written about it.
So my side or story of it is maybe of no interest.
But I still want to write/tell my story about it and what it is doing to me or how it affects me.

The beginning.

When it first was known and started, I think we all are doing and thinking the same way about it.
We are all human and I am sure, we all had the same thought(s).
“It is still far away”
“It is still abroad, so no worry.”

And then it comes closer.
“It’s still ok.”
“Ah, no worry, it will not reach here/me.”

And then it comes closer again.
“I am ok, it will not come to me.”
Then you hear stories that it is also in the next city.
And you think, “Oh, it is coming close, but I am still not really worried about it. It will not harm me.”

And then they will start slowly with the lock-down.
“Oh, now it is really close and it is becoming real.”
“Do I need to worry now?”

I am sure, this is what most of us were thinking.


At this point, I also started to think more about it.
And also started realizing that regards to my health, I also belong to the group of people that are counted to the “risk” group.

Also when they had announced the things they want you to do, to minimize the chances of spreading the virus, that was also the time that it hit me, a bit, at first.

For example, stop meeting in groups.

Already for some time now, I am not really someone that wants to be in groups.
Only if it is a group of people that I know, I am a little bit ok with it.
But I like to go to the church and meet everyone there and be busy with the church.
But because of the new rules/advice, this had to stop.
That also meant, no church service on Sunday.

This sounds really strange to others, but it felt like that something would be missing.
I would miss something in my routine and I liked going to our church.
Being among fellow Christians.
Having fellowship together.
Listening to the preaching and learn from it.

So, what to do then?

It was here on Friday, Feb 13, evening, that everyone was informed, that there would not be any church service for the month of March.
That meant, three Sundays no church service.
But in the announcement of the church, they mention that they would do it through a Facebook Live stream.

An Alternative Church Service.

This was the first time that the church would try something like this.
Curious to see how this would go.

In preparation for this, I was busy setting and checking the laptop we have.
This laptop I could connect to the TV, so we had a better view of things.

And on Sunday itself, the laptop decided to stop working.
I tried several things, but could not get it to start.
It felt bad.
Then suddenly I remembered that there is still one more laptop in the house.
The one from my son and luckily he was home and we could use his laptop.

Just in time ready to start.
To my surprise, it was almost a full and normal service.
Besides that, there were no people to give a thanksgiving or testimony.
So it would be a little bit shorter than normal.

And How Further?

After this and the news, that there would be more actions taken by the government, I realized that things were really real.

I started thinking also about my upcoming procedure for the kidney stone removal.
What will happen with that?

I am in the lucky position, that I don’t have pain from the kidney stone.
So for now, it is ok for me.

In the Facebook group for people with almost the same heart condition as me, I read several comments that people were sent home.
Because the hospital is now more busy on focussing on the Coronavirus.

I understand that this is not nice for them and that maybe some were waiting for answers or maybe help with their health problems.
But I hope, they understand why this is all happening.
And I also hope that if they really had a serious health problem, that they would not be sent home.


In the week of March 16 to 22, I kept a close eye on the website of the hospital.
Just to see if it is already known, what they will do with all the appointments and admissions.
It was already announced that some were canceled.

On Monday, March 23, I decided to call the hospital myself.
Just to make sure what is going on.
According to the person who answered, I was still on the list and scheduled for the end of that week.
They could not say yet if it would be canceled or not.
They are checking and looking day by day to see what they will do with upcoming appointments.

I mention that I belong to the people that are in the risk group.
She also mentions that it is up to me if I would like to keep the appointment or maybe cancel it.

That’s a good question.
I am in a doubt.
Also because I know that in that hospital, they are taking care of 20 coronavirus patients, of which 10 are in the ICU.

Suddenly something inside told me to cancel the appointment.
And before I know it, I told them to cancel the appointment.
I did not want to take the risk.
Just reschedule the appointment because, at the moment, I am not in pain or have problems with the kidney stone.


Only after the telephone call, I was wondering how and why I suddenly said no.
The more I think about it, to more I think it was the guidance or intervention from our Lord.

I know, this sounds strange to non-Christians.
Maybe they will explain it as a voice in there head.
But for me, it was like our Lord made the decision for me, through me.

Sometimes this is done when reading a verse from the bible.
You get the feeling that that verse is “talking” to you.
You feel connected with it.
Sometimes it is with a small soft voice from inside.

It is something you cannot explain.
But when it happens, you have the feeling or know what it was/is.
So for now, I thank the Lord for making this decision for me.

I hope you all stay safe in this difficult time.
Let us pray that this situation will soon be over.
And that the people that are sick in the hospital will recover.
And that the people that are taking care of them, stay safe also.

For me.
I will stay at home as much as possible.
And only will go out if there is really no other way.
It will be difficult, but I trust in the Lord.

God Bless you all.


2 thoughts on “Corona(virus) and Me.

  1. God bless you too, Pierre!
    And you are right. If we really trust Him, He will guide us, especially in these kind of difficult decisions.

  2. God bless you Bro Pierre!
    Absolute, when we trust God, He will give us the right decisions on what to do.
    I enjoy reading your inspiring message.
    God is with you always!

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