Praise Report, Week 46, 2021

Praise Report, Week 46, 2021. It’s already week 46 and time again for my Praise Report, Week 46, of 2021. This week it was also time for our local bible study group. This time we talked about Proverbs 8:14-35, “Wisdom”. To be very honest, I personally, have some problems with Proverbs. For me, it sounds Read More…


Praise Report, Week 45, 2021

Praise Report, Week 45, 2021. Praise report, week 45, 2021, is my fourth Praise Report in a row. Personally, I find this a new accomplishment for myself. It is the first time that I am writing about something for four consecutive weeks. Normally there would be a two or three-week period between posts. At the Read More…


Praise Report Week 43, 2021

Praise Report Week 43, 2021. It is time for my Praise Report of Week 43, 2021. I hope you like to read them. Every other Friday, there is the WIN Utrecht Couples Bibiel Study. Normally, we have 5 couples that are joining. This time we were with 3 couples. The study was about Ephesians 2:8-10 Read More…


Disappointed & Discouraged.

Disappointed & Discouraged. As I already mentioned in my previous post, Not Expecting This, I had already started writing this post.But as with a lot of things in life, not everything is always according to what we think or want.So, I am combining the original post idea, with the current events.Hence the title “Disappointed & Read More…


Being Used.

Being Used. As you maybe already know from previous posts, I like to watch and listen to Pastor Rick Warren from Saddleback Church.He has very nice sermons. Some time ago, I had watched one of his videos and just wanted to share my thoughts and parts of his sermon with you. The video is called Read More…


Strength and Courage.

Strength and Courage. On July 7, 2020, one of our pastors had a sermon that was called “God’s Faithfulness”.It was a nice sermon and I would like to share this with you and also share my thoughts on it.(I will share the Youtube link at the end of this post.) This is the bible verse Read More…
